Product distribution and sales assistance

A distribution channel strategy enables the company to sell to customers in geographical areas or market sectors that their direct sales team cannot reach. One can choose from a number of distribution channels, including wholesalers, retailers, distributors and the Internet. 

HNB Marketing Consultant assists companies in setting up a distribution network. The process involves identifying potential distributors depending on the nature of the products, the market conditions, the organization goals and the various distribution options available to recommend the most suited “go to market” strategy.

To maximize reach in the market place we also look at the possibility to penetrate new or alternate channels of trade.

To identify “best fit” channel partners we look at parameters such as existing product range, current customer base, financial and infrastructure strength, expertise, experience, location and above all the organization goals of the potential partner.

Our team helps you figure out which distribution strategy suits your product the most. We also help you to take other distribution related decisions such as,

  • Distribution Channels to be used,
  • Management of these Distribution Channels,
  • Location of Outlets,
  • Methods of Transportation,
  • Inventory Levels to be held, and
  • Gain Competitive Advantage

HNB Marketing Consultant also assists you in sales related activities. Sales include operations and activities involved in promoting and selling goods or services.

In any business, the sales department plays a pivotal and crucial role in the success of the business. The unique and important role of sales is to bridge the gap between the potential customer’s needs and the products/services that the organization offers that can fulfill their needs.

We offer following assistance with respect to sales-

  • Sales Organisation Diagnostic-

            Benchmark and redesign your sales system and organisation for  accelerated performance.

  • Sale Process Improvement-

          Benchmark, design and implement a process to improve organisation- wide sales performance.

  • Sales Talent Strategy & Assessment-

          Build a holistic sales talent strategy.

  • Sales Compensation Design-

          Tightly align pay and performance to drive company sales objectives.

  • Sales Territory Alignment-

          Assess and assign current sales territories and coverage, optimizing  sales performance.

  • Sales Training-

          Refine the practice to perfect the execution.